Course Status: Open - 18 Holes
Carts & Bikes: Carts and Bikes Permitted
Course conditions will be updated around 6.00am each morning.
Please refer to the local rules board before you hit off for the local rules for the day.
Carts / Bikes
Wet weather decision process
If the Golf Course has received large amounts of rainfall the night prior or days leading into any particular day, at approximately 5.30am each morning, the senior Green Staff member on shift will complete a course inspection to determine if carts/bikes are permitted on the course.
The guidelines used are as follows:
- Assess the amount of rainfall received the previous day/night or days prior
- Inspect the overall surface water visible on the fairways & light rough
- Review the forecasted weather conditions for the next 24 hours
- The time of year summer/winter is also taken into consideration.
The club’s website will then be updated as soon as decision is made (generally by 6.00am) informing members’ of the daily conditions.
The Green Staff appreciate the impacts not permitting carts/bikes on the course has on certain members and sympathise with their position. They also understand given favourable weather conditions the course can dry out and look fine for carts/bikes by the afternoon, however a decision is required to be made as how they view the course conditions at 5.30am.
The long term interests of the golf course will always be the priority when making such decisions
Call-ups or wave-ups
- A player or players behind another player or players on the same hole should generally not play their shots until the player or players in front of them have finished the hole. Players may choose to call or wave up players when it’s considered safe to do so. All players in the group must be aware its occurring.
- Players should always call “Fore” when they hit an errant shot to warn other golfers that a ball might be heading their way.
- Any time there is lightning activity, there is a significant risk of being struck by lightning on a golf course. It is an individual’s responsibility to check weather forecasts and to ensure your own safety with regard to lightning before you use the golf course. It is a condition of entry to this course that you acknowledge that you do not rely on the club or pro shop to ensure your safety from lightning.
- The Club will only sound a siren to indicate play has been suspended, due to unplayable course conditions (eg: flooding of greens). Once the Siren sounds all players must mark their golf ball and walk off the golf course. Whether or not the siren is sounded, everyone should be vigilant about changing weather conditions to determine their own safety and whether or not it remains safe to play.
Play it as it lies
Greens Dusted Monday 24th March